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Bracelets, Necklaces and Pendants

We manufacture and supply military dog tags, memorial bracelets, and medical alert tags.

We manufacture blank military dog tags and offer them to you in bulk for your own engraving needs. Further, we can provide you with custom laser engraved military dog tags, if you prefer. We often sell engraved bulk dog tags to organizations, companies, church groups, schools, universities and anyone wanting to buy bulk military style dog tags engraved at low wholesale pricing. Hence, they’re perfect for remembering our heroes, for fundraising, branding and more.

Engrave and wear our memorial bracelets to pay tribute to those we’ve lost in the line of duty, or for event recognition, charity, or fundraising. We manufacture and make them available to you in anodized aluminum, in a wide range of colors. Or, you can choose brushed or mirror stainless steel. Choose them in either blanks, shipped flat for your engraving needs, or engraved by us. Engraved bracelets can be shipped flat, requiring you to bend them, or we can do the bending for you. Our memorial bracelets are available in Black Aluminum and Stainless Steel. KIA Memorial bracelets and metal military bracelets available in both engraved and blank.

Medical alert tags are crucial for communicating medical and other issues when the wearer is not able to speak. Additionally, the medical alert pendant tag is commonly used to communicate a wearer’s allergies, seizures, non-verbal status, autism, heart conditions, asthma, diabetes and more, during an emergency situation.

We’re Here To Help!

Inland Products has an experienced, knowledgeable, and helpful sales staff waiting to answer any questions you may have. We are here to help you make the best choices for your tags!

Please call us at 1-800-481-5500 or email