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Stainless Steel Name Tags

Stainless Steel Name Tags & Name Badges

Stainless steel tags are great for the toughest applications. Tumble finished for smooth bur-free edges. Or, choose our more decorative brushed stainless steel finish.

Inland Products manufactures our blank stainless steel name tags and name badges for sale to companies that want to do the engraving or stamping themselves. We also offer engraved tags to our customers that want a finished product. We use fiber laser engravers to mark our name tags with large bold black numbers, text, and even logos if desired that have been permanently etched into the surface of the tag.

We make name tags in many stock sizes and shapes but we can also make them in any custom size or shape to you exact specifications.


Additional Material Options: Brass Name BadgesAluminum Name Tags, or Plastic Name Badges

We’re Here To Help!

Inland Products has an experienced, knowledgeable, and helpful sales staff waiting to answer any questions you may have. We are here to help you make the best choices for your brass tags!

Please call us at 1-800-481-5500 or email